
This site contains archived posts made before July 2022. If you're looking for the live site, you can find it here.

Site Update: "Rebranding"

Wed Sep 28 2011
Okay, so I've been wanting for a while now to "rebrand" this site. This is mostly because "" no longer made sense for this blog, and I felt it didn't really relate to the topic at hand. So, with that, I present...!

Alright, maybe that's a bit much. So for now, the old domain will point to the same place until I can get everything switched over. If anyone notices anything that seems off, please drop me a line. There will be several changes that are going to be made to the look of the site as well (some of which have already happened). These include: I'll have more updates on this soon, so for now if you notice anything broken, I will be working on getting it fixed.