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Sentences Series 5: Using SRS Effectively

Thu Aug 30 2012
Alright, so it's been a while since I have update the sentences series - and there is good reason why. I've mentioned MCDs in the past, and how I am deciding on what works better for learning. The truth is that it really depends on the person. I have found what I think is a combination of the two (leaning ever so slightly toward the MCD direction). Sentences 5 Feature I've been using Tae Kim's Complete Guide to Japanese for a while now, and recently discovered there is an Anki deck that corresponds with it. The deck is called "Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese Grammar" - it can be searched for in the shared decks available. It contains cloze-deletions, which is fantastic. Search for it and use it as a base when considering the rest of this article.   Alright, so as far as setting up sentences with SRS, I again recommend Anki because of it's portability, cloze-deletion support and its wide array of decks available for download. The way I have been setting up my decks is like this example: Front: 静[...]人。 The [...] is the cloze-deletion question. Back: 静かな人。 The complete answer, with the blank filled in. しずかなひと。 Same as above, only completely in kana. Quiet person.  The English "translation", or more accurately, the meaning. I also include other notes here about where the sentence came from.   Anki Cloze-Deletion Answer Anki highlights correct portions of your typed answer in green. This card is part of Tae Kim's Grammar Guide deck. Then, to answer, you must enter in the full sentence into a text box. Anki then takes your answer and compares the text you entered to the full answer. Correct text is highlighted in green, incorrect in red. Based on that, you can then score your answer based on how easily and accurately you could recall it.   More on this topic to come. What are your methods for using SRS with sentences?