- Do it in small chunks - maybe 2-5 minutes each. Maybe 3 Kanji reviews, or learn a sentence at a time. Even the most fun activities can become monotonous and boring if you spend too long a stretch of time with it. Keep it short, keep it simple, just make sure to come back and visit it more often.
- Try doing something that doesn't feel like studying. SRS reviews help, sure - but they aren't (by far) the only component to learning. Maybe watch an episode of your favorite anime series or a television show dubbed in Japanese. As you recognize words, sentences and expressions, you'll technically be studying while doing nothing but watching some t.v.
- Play some games in Japanese. There are tons of them online, just Google it.
- Remember to use passive learning. Sometimes not paying full attention to what you are studying can pay off in the long run, simply from the extra exposure you get by just having it around.
It's basic stuff, really - but it can have a major impact on how you learn.