Questions? Comments?
Perhaps you need to tell me how much this site
sucks rocks? Perhaps you have a suggestion as to something I could change, add or even remove (hopefully not).
In any case,
please feel free to drop me a line.
Please note:
- Prior to sending a question, run a quick search to the left. Perhaps you'll find what you are looking for there.
- I may decide to quote parts of your email on the site. If you wish for me not to quote your email, please mention it in the message. I'll respect it, because I'm a respectable guy. That's how I roll. *fist bump*
- I will do my best to answer every email that comes through. However, if I miss one, I apologize. Also, if it doesn't really need a response, I won't respond to it. Kinda obvious, eh?
Thanks for visiting, and I really look forward to hearing from you!
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